Saturday, October 27, 2012

Values, Goals, and Coincidental Factors

This is the first in a series of messages in Spanish for my friends in Costa Rica.  Though these messages, I hope to help us to unite us in a common vision (Proverbs 29:18) of how we can proceed successfully with our non-profit work together in Costa Rica.

In this first message, I discuss the difference between (1) Values, (2) Goals, and (3) Coincidental Factors that effect our plans.  Mathew 7:21-27, Exodus 20 (especially commandments 2 and 4), John 3:6-8, John 4:19-24, and Galatians 5 were all important in helping me to prepare for the creation of this message.  I quote some of these verses in this video using the Dios Habla Hoy version of the Bible.

My point here is, we must be both "Faithful" and "Flexible," "Reliable" in the abstract and yet "Formless like the Wind" in the concrete.  We must be both like a house on a rock (at heart) and like the wind that travels from place to place mysteriously (in body).  I also point out how different this is from a life of laws and rituals.

In Costa Rica their is a proverb that teaches us, "Hay que preparar la tierra." One has to prepare the land of the heart in the cultivation of a common understanding before trying to get people to unite around specific goals.  I am preparing the land in this message.  I have much to say about what I want to build specifically with my friends in Costa Rica, but I am not there yet. First I have to prepare a deeply shared understanding of spiritual context.  This is the beginning of that preparation.

Here is the link to the videos:

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